Дослідження газового вертикального сіткового сепаратора
Ключові слова:
Separators are the most common and simplest equipment for separating the gas phase from the liquid. Separation efficiency depends on the internal devices of the separators. Today, the most widely used are mesh and paddle bumpers, anti-swirls. Basically, manufacturers produce gas separators of two main types: vertical and horizontal.
Despite the fact that the gas vertical separator has an efficiency of more than 99%, the distribution of the movement of gas in it, especially in such responsible elements as coagulator and drip trap, remains interesting. Therefore, the study of vertical gas separator using simulation. The three-dimensional separator model was developed in SolidWorks.
Carrying out a simulation study of the three-dimensional model of the separator revealed the disadvantages of the design, namely the uneven distribution of gas velocity in the coagulator and drop trap.
2. Laschinskiy A.A. Osnovyi konstruirovaniya i rascheta himicheskoy apparaturyi: Spravochnik. M.: OOO ID «Alyans», 2008. 752 р.
3. Gurevich G.R., Karlinskiy E.D. Separatsiya prirodnogo gaza na gazokondensatnyih mestorozhdeniyah. M., Nedra, 1982. 197 р.
4. SolidWorks.com
5. Inzhenernyie raschetyi v SolidWorks Simulation / Alyamovskiy A.A. - SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2010. 235 р.