Сезонний вплив на режими роботи електротехнічної системи протикорозійного захисту
https://doi.org/10.34185/1991-7848.itmm.2020.01.029Ключові слова:
This article discusses the change in the magnitude of the currents of cathodic protection stations with changing seasons. The change in the value of currents at a constant voltage of the stations is significant. The work draws attention to the fact that with excess current, wasteful use of resources is possible. Given that changes in electrical parameters are possible not only with changing seasons, but also under the influence of precipitation, groundwater level, technological factors, it is advisable to automatically control the cathodic protection station. The use of joint control by several cathodic protection stations is proposed, which will minimize their combined influence. Coordination of the operating modes of the stations is minimizes the wasteful use of resource.
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