Параметризация факторов, определяющих интенсивность разрушения футеровки кислородных конвертеров в процессе её эксплуатации
Ключові слова:
Based on the results of the operation of the top blowing BOF lining of 60 tons capacity, the main technological factors that determine the lining destruction rate have been determined. The studies have been carried out with use of mathematical statistics in particular by means of correlation analysis. In addition, in order to exclude interdependent factors, the results of the correlation analysis have been additionally assessed from the standpoint of the technological advisability and the possibility of using the obtained information to compose a model for predicting the destruction rate of the BOF lining during its operation. It has been determined that the most important technological factors determining the destruction rate of the BOF lining are followings: temperature and carbon content in the crude steel before tapping; silicon content in steelmaking iron; lime and fluorspar consumption.
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