Визначення впливу конструктивних параметрів донного продувного блоку на ефективність процесів гомогенізації розплаву
Ключові слова:
продувка, нейтральний газ, гомогенізація, розплав, позапічна обробкаАнотація
Based on the results of water modeling, the influence of the design of the bottom blowing device for the teeming ladle on the efficiency of mass-transfer processes in the liquid melt has been determined, namely, the effect of the bubble-forming chamber design on the duration of the melt homogenization has been determined. The bottom blowing devices equipped with bubble-forming chamber of slit, channel and non-directional types have been studied. According to the research, it was determined that the most effective design of the bubble-forming chamber for bottom blowing devices is the use of non-directional porosity materials. Their use allows obtaining a stable column of small bubbles, thereby reducing the time of homogenization by 14%.
1. Klassifikatsiya rezhimov peremeshivaniya stali v kovshe s ispolzovaniem matematicheskogo modelirovaniya / A.N. Smirnov, I.N. Salamin, E.V. Oshovskoy // NaukovI pratsI DonNTU. MetalurgIya. – 2009. – No. 11. – P.73 – 86. (in Russian)
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3. Velychko O. H., Stoianov O.M., Boichenko B.M., Niziaiev K.H. Tekhnolohii pidvyshchennia yakosti stali: Pidruchnyk. – Dnipropetrovsk: Seredniak T.K., 2016. – 196 p. (in Ukrainian)
4. Markov B.L., Kirsanov A.A. Fizicheskoe modelirovnie v imetallurgii. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1984. – 119 p. (in Russian)
2. I.N. Salamash. Klassifikatsiya rezhimov peremeshivaniya zhidkoy stali v kovshe pri produvke inertnyim gazom / NaukovI pratsI DonNTU. MetalurgIya. – 2012. - No. 1(14)-2(15). – P. 53-57. (in Russian)
3. Velychko O. H., Stoianov O.M., Boichenko B.M., Niziaiev K.H. Tekhnolohii pidvyshchennia yakosti stali: Pidruchnyk. – Dnipropetrovsk: Seredniak T.K., 2016. – 196 p. (in Ukrainian)
4. Markov B.L., Kirsanov A.A. Fizicheskoe modelirovnie v imetallurgii. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1984. – 119 p. (in Russian)