About the Journal

The scientific economic e-journal «Problems of Economy and Political Economy» was founded in 2015 by the decision of the Ukrainian Association of Political Economy, is published 2 times a year and is professional scientific publication in the field of economic sciences. The founder of the magazine is the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.

The magazine is included to the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (science areas are economic) in accordance with a fiat of Ministry of education and science Ukraine № 374 from 17.03.2017.

Research results in the field of economic sciences, which are publishes in the magazine, are devoted to the problems such as:

  1. Economic theory and history of economic thoughts,
  2. Political economy,
  3. World economy and international economic relations,
  4. Economy and management of national economy,
  5. Economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity),
  6. Development of productive forces and regional economy,
  7. Innovations and investment activity,
  8. Structural politic,
  9. Economy of use of nature and guard of environment,
  10. Demography, labour economics, social economics and politics,
  11. Accounting, auditing and analysis,
  12. Money and credit,
  13. Finances and tax politics,
  14. Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in the economy,
  15. Statistics,
  16. Marketing,
  17. Management.

The publication of the magazine is carried out in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages, with compulsory submitting the English version of the full-text of the manuscript. (p. 2.9, Order of Ministry of science and education, youth and sports of Ukraine from 17.10.2012, №1112).