databases, iron ore materials, slag, diagrams, ferroalloys, propertiesAbstract
The Metallurgy data bank has been created at the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, systematic work is underway to create and develop an integrated knowledge base for end-to-end analysis of metal production based on modern information computer technologies. The greatest information capacity is possessed by databases on the properties of iron ore materials (database "Iron ore materials") and slag melts (database "Slag"), which are most in demand and are actively replenished. The "Iron ore materials" database contains information on the properties of more than 1200 compositions of various types of iron ore raw materials, including strength characteristics and high-temperature properties. The database "Slag" contains more than 500 documents containing information on the properties of more than 8000 compositions of slags and oxides for various purposes. The "Ferroalloys" database includes information from domestic and foreign authors on production, chemical composition and requirements for ferroalloys of various groups. At present, 35 passports have been entered into the database, which contain information (more than 200 compositions) about a complex of physicochemical, physical and thermophysical ferroalloys of a wide range: ferrochrome, ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, ferrovanadium, ferrotitanium, ferroniobium, ferronickel, ferrozirconium, ferromolybdenum , silicomanganese, etc. The presence in the Metallurgy data bank of databases and models for each redistribution of metal production allows you to quickly generate tools (subsystems) for complex analysis, forecasting and optimization of physical and chemical processes; technical and economic indicators of metal production technologies, as well as end-to-end analysis of the processes of obtaining high-quality products, audit of enterprises and the industry as a whole by attracting modern scientific achievements.
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