booster pump, end clearance, volume losses, charge efficiency, post-repair durabilityAbstract
The influence of constructive decisions on compensation of an end gap in the pumping unit of the pump of feeding of the axial-piston hydraulic pump, at restoration of its working condition, on its post-repair durability is considered.
The influence of the end gap in the couplings of the pumping unit of the feed pump on the volumetric losses of the working fluid and on the volumetric coefficient of its supply is investigated. A method of conducting experimental and laboratory studies to identify the functional relationship between the supply coefficient of the pump and its operating time.
The proposed design of the stand for experimental research on running-in and testing of feed pumps, which provides stepless speed control of the pump drive gear using a hydraulic drive shaft, testing pumps with left and right direction of rotation of the drive gear, and creates a static dynamic mode speed mode, which ensures the efficiency of the running-in mode of the parts in the couplings of the pumping unit of the feed pump.
The developed design of the stand for running-in and testing of feed pumps can be realized at the enterprises on technical service of hydraulic units.
A detailed analysis of failures of axial-piston hydraulic machines, which showed that most of them (60-75%) are operational failures, which are mainly due to the technical condition of the working fluid, which leads to hydroabrasive wear of the working surfaces of the pumping unit of the axial feed pump piston hydraulic pump, increasing gaps in the couplings and, accordingly, volume losses.
The relative change of the supply factor for the pump is determined, with the mechanism of compensation of the end gap, which indicates the stable operation of the compensation mechanism and the efficiency of the proposed solutions in terms of increasing its post-repair durability.
It is shown that the change in the supply factor of the pump, restored by standard technology, is due to the intensity of the change of its end gap as a result of running in the couplings at the beginning of the pump and accordingly to reduce the pump life during its operation.
From the comparative assessment of the supply coefficients of pumps repaired using the end clearance compensation mechanism and the typical technology, it follows that the proposed technology is more likely to provide 80% of the resource in service conditions for the repaired pump
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