electric arc furnace, energy efficiency, geometry of the bath, energy-saving panels, dispersed aspiration system.Abstract
On the basis of mathematical modeling and numerical experiment were analyzed the factors to increase energy efficiency of the electric arc furnace (EAF) of a small capacity. Optimization of depth of the steelmaking bath is performed, which in combination with the bath blowing by an inert gas provides lowering of radiation heat loss by 21%; enhances heat- and mass transfer by 11-16%, heating and homogenization of liquid steel by 8%. Implementation of energy saving water-cooled panels and a system of dispersed aspiration reduce heat loss and fugitive emissions. The synthesis of innovative solutions in 15-t EAF will reduce total energy consumption by 3 - 5%.
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13. Тимошенко С.Н. Моделирование системы аспирации электродуговой печи с целью повышения энергоэффективности и экологической безопасности/ С.Н. Тимошенко, П.И. Тищенко, Н.С. Тимошенко, А.Н. Семко //Экология и промышленность. Харьков: «УкрНТЦ «Энергосталь», 2013.№2(35). С. 66-69.
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2. Small but mighty: Siemens has developed an electric arc furnace for tapping weights between 5 and 35 tons / Siemens. Linz, Austria, September 28, 2009/ Available at: (accessed 23 February 2017).
3. Klein T., Wilhelm U. Nano-Mill technology/Millennium Steel, 2013. P. 104-108/ Available at: (accessed 23 February 2017).
4. Toulouevski Yu.N., Zinurov I.Y. Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces. Scientific Basis for Selection / Berlin: Springer, 2010, – 258 p.
5. Timoshenko S.N. Computer modeling bath geometry to improve energy efficiency of electric arc furnace /System technologies, №3 (104) – Dnepropetrovsk, 2016. P. 33-39.
6. Егоров А.В. Расчет мощности и параметров электропечей черной металлургии/ М.: Металлургия, 1990,- 280с.
Egorov A.V. (1990) Raschet moshchnosti i parametrov elektropechey chernoy metallurgii [Calculation of power and parameters of electric furnaces of steel industry] Moscow: Metallurgija –media.- 280p. (in Russian).
7. Ghosh A. Secondary Steelmaking. Principles and Applications. / Boca Raton –London - New York -Washington, D.C.:CRC Press, 2000, -344p.
8. Mazumdar D., Guthrie R. The Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Gas Stirred Ladle Systems/ISIJ International, 1995.Vol.35. №1. P. 1-20.
9. Kawakami М., Takatani R. Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of Scrap Melting in Steel Bath/Tetsu to Hagane.-1999. Vol. 85. №.9. - P.658-665.
10. Li J., Provatas N. Kinetics of Scrap Melting in Liquid Steel: Multipiece Scrap Melting / Metallurgical and Material Transactions 2008. V39B, №4. Р. 268- 279.
11. K. Nakanishi, T. Fujii, J. Szekely. Possible relationship between energy dissipation and agitation in steel processing operations. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 1975, №3, p.193-194.
12. Kruger K. Schlackenanbackungen und thermische Verluste eines Drehstrofens./ K.Kruger, A. Ehrbar, K. Timm //Stahl und Eisen №9 (118), 1998, р. 63–67.
13. Тимошенко С.Н. Моделирование системы аспирации электродуговой печи с целью повышения энергоэффективности и экологической безопасности/ С.Н. Тимошенко, П.И. Тищенко, Н.С. Тимошенко, А.Н. Семко //Экология и промышленность. Харьков: «УкрНТЦ «Энергосталь», 2013.№2(35). С. 66-69.
14. Timoshenko S.N. (2013) Modelirovaniye sistemy aspiratsii elektrodugovoy pechi s tsel'yu povysheniya energoeffektivnosti i ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti [Simulation of the electric arc furnace system aspiration to improve the energy efficiency and environmental safety]/Kharkiv: UkrNTC ”Energostal”-media, №2(35). P. 66-69 (in Russian).