
  • L. Tuboltsev
  • V. Petrenko
  • A. Selegej



ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine, industrial policy, sustainable development, parameters, scientific and technical solutions, assortment, ecology, scientific research.


The purpose of this work is to study promising areas of sustainable development of ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine in modern conditions. The main areas of stabilization of the industry were considered, including: the influence of the state on the development of the metallurgical industry, problems of improving the range of metallurgical products, scientific development of metallurgical technologies, environmental problems of ferrous metallurgy, problems of scientific support for the development of metallurgical technologies, the main directions of scientific and technical solutions for the sustainable development of metallurgical production. It is shown that currently the main indicators of the country's development are not taken into account in the national state policy - target settings, definition and approval of criteria and parameters of the country's development, publicity and control of their implementation. Such a situation requires the development of an industrial policy in the metallurgical industry. The analysis shows that the problem of the internal market of metal products continues to worsen in the country, the assortment of effective types of metal products is decreasing, the country is increasingly oriented towards the export of raw types of metal products and semi-finished products. It was noted that the scientific and technical support of the metallurgical industry is one of the main factors in the development and efficiency of production. The use of the results of scientific research is one of the main factors in reducing the cost of energy resources for the production of metal products. It was noted that environmental problems can have an extremely negative impact on the prospects for the development of metallurgical production. This situation requires significant investments in the development of scientific research and the creation of new technologies for reducing the carbon footprint during the production of metal products. The analysis shows that due to the use of scientific potential and the use of technologies known in world practice in Ukraine, there is a fundamental opportunity to reduce energy consumption for the production of metal products, improve the environmental situation, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the issue of scientific and technical support for the innovative development of MMC of Ukraine is extremely relevant today. The primary scientific and technical tasks in this direction are to reduce the consumption of energy resources for the production of metal products and achieve the best global indicators. The main strategic goals and priorities of MMC development at the current stage are shown.


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