
  • Volodymyr Vasilievich Bochka
  • Artem Valeriyovich Sova
  • Alice Viktorovna Dvoyehlazova
  • Maksim Viktorovich Yagolnik
  • Maksim Aleksandrovich Vashchenko




agglomerate, composite, granulation, strength test, fraction


Analysis of recent research and publications. Considerable attention is payed to optimization of processes of pelletizing of agglomeration batch. One of decision is separated pelletizing of batch components before sintering.
The aim of the study. The objective of this article is development, theoretical and practical justification of the way of pelletizing of agglomeration batch. This will allow to form granules of given particle size and mineralogical composition, creating conditions for obtention block structure of agglomerate.
Presentation of the main research material. In the article we researched the ways of common and separated pelletizing of batch’s components. This technology led to reducing the number of fraction 0-1 mm and increase of equivalent diameter of granules; to reducing of standard deviation and coefficient of variation. This testifies about acquiring more homogeneous granulometric composition of raw granules. At the same time when we pelletized raw granules separated, the content of fraction +10 mm in has increased significantly. This fraction has negative impact on the process of agglomerate sintering. The large pieces of ore and return which have substantially influence on the process of creation and growth of granules can be the main reason of such reaction. Moreover, unequal distribution of batch’s components in granules is remained.
Despite the improvement of granulometric composition of raw granules, the use of separated pelletizing of batch has ambivalent impact on the processes of sintering and forming of high quality agglomerate with set structure and properties.
The best quality of agglomerate was received using the composite of “concentrate – ore – lime - limestone”, which had 0,9 – 1,0 units of basicity. It’s possible to change the basicity while distributing limestone among composites. We decided to divide the ore into two fractions: 0-3 mm and 3-10 mm in order to enrich the effectiveness of pelletizing. 0-3mm fraction will use with the composition of first composite, 3-10 mm fraction will be used with return and residue of fluxes in the second composite.
Proposed technology means dosing, mixing and pelletizing of the composite. Dose and mix parallel residual batch with basicity 1,6-1,8 units. After this make the common granulation of composites in granulating machine. Add 0-7 mm coarseness fuel in the end of granulation.
Presentation of the main research material. Manufacturing of the agglomerate in this way let increase the output of usable agglomerate by 10,29% and fraction +5mm by 11,5% after the strength test.


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