Basic areas of the secondary energy resources use in the blast-furnace ironmaking and application of heat pumps
blast furnace, heat pump, secondary resources, energyAbstract
Under the present-day conditions of blast-furnace shop operation, the use of low-potential SERs seems to be the most promising measure with regard to reduction of cast-iron production cost. Proposed measures on improvement of blast-furnace gas calorific power due to the reduction of its moisture content allow the blast-furnace air temperature increase and coke consumption reduction. Also proposed is partial transfer of excess heat from the blast-furnace gas to combustion air by means of the system of heat pumps, which allows increase in calorimetric combustion temperature.
In this paper, main parameters are calculated of the heat pump system operation under the conditions of blast-furnace shop at the increased top gas temperature. This paper presents heat pump system operating efficiency and determines conversion factor for the specific conditions (COP).
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